Celebrating Black History Month

December 18, 2014 DOWNLOAD PDF

AODA Compliance Reminder

Original Newsletter(s) this article was published in: Employment Update: December 2014

Organizations with 20 or more employees in Ontario must file and make available to the public an Accessibility Compliance Report by December 31, 2014.

Organizations with 20 to 49 employees must answer questions about their requirements under the Customer Service Standard Regulation.

Organizations with 50 or more employees must in addition to answering questions about the Customer Service Standard also answer questions about the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulation, including the requirement to implement and maintain an accessibility policy and a multi-year accessibility plan. Large organizations will also have other requirements relating to training, and their processes for receiving and responding to feedback in accessible formats beginning on January 1, 2015.

Large organizations will also be required to file Accessibility Compliance Reports every three years thereafter.

How do you file Accessibility Compliance Reports?

They can be filed on-line with the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure. The Ministry has created an AODA Compliance Wizard which can help you to determine what AODA requirements apply to your organization.