On June 8, 2012, the McGuinty government announced its intention to launch a public consultation process to modernize the Condominium Act, 1998, through the Ministry of Government Services, which will start with identifying a comprehensive set of issues relating to target areas of concern such as increased consumer protection; condominium finances and reserve fund management; condominium board governance; regulation of condominium managers; dispute resolution. This review will engage the entire condominium community, including owners, residents, developers and property managers.
Further details of the public consultation process will be announced over the summer months. The Ontario Home Builders Association (OHBA) in collaboration with the BILD Condo Council have struck a Condo Act Review Committee to respond to this initiative and will be making submissions on behalf of the industry. Tammy Evans is a member of the BILD Condo Council and also a member of the OHBA/BILD Condo Act Review Committee and will continue to keep you informed of developments in this regard.