We have been monitoring and reporting to you on the Province of Ontario’s consultation process to address certain consumer protection issues and to update the Condominium Act, 1998, to address current market concerns.
We are currently sitting at Stage 3 - which is a more targeted process whereby smaller working groups have been set up by the Ministry of Consumer Services to respond to the proposed recommendations of Ministry staff, which recommendations came from the public consultations and recommendations through the wider consultations and working group sessions through Stages 1 and 2.
The Ministry is in the process now of finalizing its action plan which will outline legislative amendments and policy considerations for specific recommendations of the various stakeholder groups. Meetings are now in progress with the Ministry and smaller groups of stakeholders intended to represent a balanced cross section of the condominium industry, with a view to reaching consensus on these recommendations. It is anticipated that completion of Stage 3 will occur early 2014.
The author continues to be actively involved in this initiative, and will keep readers informed as more details are available and can be shared. Readers are welcome to contact the writer to discuss how this initiative may impact your condominium development.