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April 17, 2018 DOWNLOAD PDF

Blaneys Celebrates Law Day in Ontario with the OBA

Law Day is a national event celebrating the signing of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Originated by the Canadian Bar Association and first held in Canada in 1983, Law Day is aimed at educating and informing the public about the role and importance of the law and the justice system. Since many people have a limited knowledge about the law and how the legal system works, Law Day provides an excellent opportunity for the profession to educate the public about the vital role that lawyers and the judiciary serve in guaranteeing an open, independent and unbiased judicial system.

This year, several lawyers at Blaney McMurtry are involved with Law Day through the Ontario Bar Association. Throughout the month of April, Aly Virani, Visnja Jovanovic, Brian Lau, Michael Gilburt, Jessica Wuthmann, and Megan Hodges have each visited classrooms in elementary schools around Toronto discussing the importance of the Charter and acting as judges for mock trials.   

Aly Virani also sits on the OBA Law Day Committee, which organizes Law Day events and evaluates submissions for Your ChARTer, a newly expanded program that invites Ontario students to submit a visual or written creative piece of work that represents the core principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and what it means to them.  

To learn more about Law Day, click here.

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