Celebrating Black History Month

November 02, 2015 DOWNLOAD PDF

Blaneys Represents Northern Superior Resources Inc.

We represent the plaintiff Northern Superior Resources Inc. (“NSR”), an Ontario junior mineral exploration company in litigation against the Province of Ontario arising from being denied access to its mining claims in Northern Ontario as a result of the actions of a number of First Nations and the inaction of Ontario. NSR’s sued for $110,000,000.00 representing the value of the mining claims and for reimbursement of $15,000,000.00 spent by NSR in the mining claims. Ontario has denied all responsibility. The case went to trial over 6 weeks in October and November 2015 and is under reserve. A decision is expected any time now and regardless of the outcome an appeal is expected. The  case is the first time that the Courts in Canada have been asked to rule on the meaning of the Crown’s constitutional duty to consult with Aboriginal communities in relation to mining companies like our client to whom such a duty was as a practical matter delegated by Ontario. In the lawsuit NSR also seeks damages arising from the unilateral and unprecedented creation in 2012 of a massive (four times the land mass of PEI) mining exclusion zone in Northern Ontario which affected NSR’s ability to realize the potential of its exploration program.