Celebrating Black History Month

June 30, 2016 DOWNLOAD PDF

Blaneys Represents Northern Superior Resources Inc. - Update

Our client Northern Superior Resources is a Sudbury-based junior mineral exploration company that spent the last couple of decades looking for gold in Ontario and Quebec. Its long-simmering legal case revolving around the duty to consult in Ontario’s Mining Act has been resolved, with Northern Superior Resources having its action against the province of Ontario in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice dismissed on May 25, 2016. The mining claims at the heart of the court case  were staked and explored by Northern Superior between 2005 and 2007 in the Red Lake Mining Division 740 km northwest of Thunder Bay, with an eye to their gold potential. On June 24th, 2016 the company. announced that it will appeal the trial judge’s decision. A “Trial Judgment Summary”, the Company’s main reasons for the appeal, the Court’s Reasons for Judgment and the Company’s Notice of Appeal are posted on the Company’s website www.nsuperior.com