Celebrating Black History Month

September 28, 2017 DOWNLOAD PDF

Blaney McMurtry Ranked in Chambers Canada 2018 Edition

We are proud to be ranked once again in the Chambers and Partners Canada Directory, 2018 Edition, in the following areas:

Insurance: Dispute Resolution (Nationwide - Canada), with clients noting that the firm's “level of experience, expertise and service are exemplary”, in addition to praise for the firm's "very practical approach". The group is "[r]ecognized for its experience advising on a broad array of coverage disputes and insurance litigation matters".

Real Estate (Ontario), with respondents stating that the group “[a]dvises private developers and financial institutions on an impressive range of real estate mandates”, as well as being "[w]ell regarded for its mid-market transactional capabilities, with considerable experience of acquisitions, dispositions and leasing". 

Blaneys partners Steven Jeffery and Brett Tkatch have once again been recognized as “Notable Practitioners” in Real Estate (Ontario), with it being noted that Steven Jeffery is well regarded by peers for his financing work and for his representation of a range of public and private lenders and developers. Brett Tkatch is "[d]escribed by one source as "one of the hardest-working lawyers I've ever met," and is recognized for his expertise in real estate financing.

Corporate/Commercial: Highly Regarded (Ontario), with it being noted that the group is a “popular choice for Toronto clients for transactions in the mid-market". Chambers also states that "[i]mpressed clients believe the team "has the sophistication to deal with a range of complex deals, the ability to hold its own, and experience in this space."

Blaneys partner Andrea Rush is ranked in Intellectual Property (Nationwide - Canada), described as “a leader in professional engagement” in the intellectual property market, and is also commended for "the strength of her intellect". This follows her continued ranking in the Chambers Global Directory.

To learn more about Blaneys' 2018 rankings, visit the Chambers Canada website here.