Celebrating Black History Month

October 11, 2017 DOWNLOAD PDF

In Memoriam – James W. Blaney, Q.C. (1928 -2017)

We announce with great sadness the passing of one of our founding partners, Jim Blaney.

Upon being called to the Bar in 1954, Mr. Blaney created Blaney Pasternak, which became the law firm known today as Blaney McMurtry LLP.

Mr. Blaney practiced as a corporate lawyer, becoming a trusted legal advisor to a variety of corporations and developed a specialty in corporate insurance. Mr. Blaney was a valued member of a number of corporate boards until his retirement. 

Under his guidance and leadership, the firm grew successfully and has provided a fulfilling professional home for lawyers and staff for the past 63 years. 

The Partners and staff of Blaney McMurtry LLP, many of whom worked closely with Jim Blaney and considered him a friend as well as a colleague, remember him as a gentleman whose judgment was valued and whose good humour was appreciated. Mr. Blaney will be missed  but we will always aspire to the standards he set and the decency he displayed.