With over 25 years of experience in the legal industry, Sharon is a valuable member of the Private Client Group at Blaney McMurtry. She assists clients and other legal team members with all aspects of estate administration, from the preliminary fact gathering stage to determining the most efficient path to obtain the documentation required to liquidate assets; essentially managing an estate from inception to tax clearance, no matter the endless variety of complexities along the way.
Sharon has a vast knowledge of the laws governing testate and intestate succession, as well as the ever changing practice directions that determine the processes involved in successfully navigating the estate court system in Ontario. She counsels executors on their obligations and duties and takes on the more challenging situations as they present themselves in the life of an estate. Her skill set runs from simple estate administrations - succeeding and foreign grants of probate, dealing with liquidation and replacement of lost certificates through stock transfer agents, tax filings with CRA and the Ministry of Finance for Estate Administration Tax - to preparing complex estate accounts for contested and uncontested court passings of accounts.
Sharon has worked alongside Blaneys’ trusts & estates lawyer Margaret Rintoul for over 25 years on the estate litigation side, working through the civil court system with specific knowledge of applications and motions. She also has years of experience in the area of elder law as it relates to guardianships and powers of attorney, drafting materials and, when required, completing the court documents for court appointed guardianships.